
Top 5 tips when marketing through social media platforms?

Top 5 tips for marketing through social media platforms
Choose the right platform for your trade.

Marketing tips

Of course, multiplying your marketing channels is essential for you to succeed in achieving the required spread for your brand. But also, losing time and money on useless marketing channels or campaigns will negatively affect your trade and your position on social media platforms.
Therefore, it is necessary before starting your marketing campaign that you test each of the social media platforms and see the statistics and insights provided by each platform in order to get an impression of the best-suited platforms for your business.

For example, if you are targeting the Saudi community with your business, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok would be more suitable platforms than Facebook.

And in the event that you sell cosmetics, skin care, and hair products and target female customers, the TikTok and Instagram platforms will be the best for you.

Post appropriate content for each platform.

One of the common mistakes that many small and emerging brands make is publishing one piece of content on all social media platforms without seeing the insights and statistics of the platform. But you should know that each platform has the appropriate content for it and its target audience.

For example, the Instagram platform will be the first choice for publishing photos of your products and any innovative and distinctive visual content that indicates the quality of your products. As for the TikTok platform, your content is informal and light, meaning you can create short videos in order to enhance communication with your customers and share with them other Directions, etc. If you post tips or directions on how to use your products effectively, the Facebook platform will be the best for publishing this type of content.

Use scheduling tools.

Social media platforms improve their use on a daily basis, and one of the most important improvements to them today is the ability to activate scheduling tools that help you save more time. These tools allow you to schedule posts for several days instead of publishing each piece of content on its own. Automation tools such as chatbots also help you respond to your customers immediately and quickly, whether in messages or comments, thus satisfying your customers and saving you time to perform more other tasks.


In order to win the love of your customers while communicating through social media platforms using quick and automatic response automation, consider the following factors:

Mention the customer’s name while responding to him to make him feel friendly.
Use simple language that is close to the language of his communication with you.
Use emoji or emoticons to get their attention.

Participate in trends and

Sharing with your customers on social media platforms the latest trends and current events is one of the most important elements of attracting their attention to your brand because you are close to and interested in their interests. Therefore, it would be good for you to share social media trends and use them to promote your products or just enhance communication with your customers. On the other hand, pay close attention to which trends are involved and stay away from controversial topics such as religious, political, or racist trends.

Track your brand’s performance across social media platforms.

Don’t forget to measure the effectiveness of your social media marketing or your brand’s performance in general.

And performance tracking is not only intended to limit interactions, shares, and comments; rather, you must track the success of your activity on these platforms and whether you are moving in the right direction to achieve the desired goal, in addition to identifying the challenges to address and the most important strengths to improve from them.

That is, based on your goals, you can easily track the performance of marketing on social media platforms. If your goal is to make more sales or reach more customers, the results will be measured here based on that and whether you have achieved these goals, and if the answer is positive or negative, you will have to analyze it carefully as well. In the end, we advise you not to rush the results when you start marketing your brand on social media platforms, and the most important thing is to achieve success quickly in a way that is appropriate to your brand goals.

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